What to pack when going to Dollywood

Written by: Sarah Robinette

Anytime we are going somewhere, us moms are always having to remember everything we need to pack for ourselves and the kids. If you plan to make a trip to Dollywood or really any amusement park, we hope this list can help you gather what you need and have a fun, successful day out with the family.

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First off Don’t forget your tickets or season passes!!




Diapers/ Underwear/Socks

If you have kids, you know to pack diapers but don’t forget to maybe grab an extra pair of underwear for your little ones in case of an accident. Another great thing to have on hand is new socks. If you have ever stepped in a puddle, rode a water ride and got your feet wet, then you know


Change of clothes

Not only is a change of clothes good to have one hand for kids but even for adults especially if you plan to get wet on some water rides. We like to wear water resistant clothes in the park that dry easily.



Snacks are a must when going to the amusement park. We like to bring snacks for the kids or even for us to have incase lines are really long, and we need something to tie us over. This Stackable Snack cup works great for kids.


Refillable Mug

All amusement parks have refillable mugs but bring your own water bottle and utilize free water out and around the park.



We all love to take photos and videos, so be sure to pack a portable charger so you can keep your phone charged in case you actually need it for any emergency.



You might have a diaper bag but bring a great backpack into the park that you can get everything in.



Don’t forget sunscreen. You will be miserable the next day if you don’t use it.


Air Tag

Are you leaving a stroller behind or your backpack to go on a ride. We have a good peace of mind leaving items behind when it has an air tag in it. If someone does take it, we can track where it is.



On a hot summer day, you will be thankful you have some fans with you.


Cooling Towels

These are life savers on hot days. The cooling towels are amazing! You simply get them nice and cold, and the coolness will stick with you for hours


Hat and Glasses Case / Strap

If you are like me and you don’t plan on fixing your hair so wearing a hat makes sense. If you plan to wear glasses don’t forget to pack a case. or if you wear prescription glasses bring a glass strap so you can wear them on the ride. If you choose to take them off for a ride you can easily put them in your case and attach them to your bag, so you don’t lose your glasses.



I always get a headache from rides and the heat so be sure to pack a few Tylenols or any other medications you made need throughout the day.



It’s always when you go to an amusement park, they call for sunny skies all day, but we all know it could still rain so be prepared. Throw one or two disposable ponchos in your bag or an umbrella. You won’t regret it if it starts raining.


Apple Watch

Have you ever left your phone in a locker then need to get ahold of someone. Wearing your watch could still let you get ahold of people if needed.


Hand Sanitizer

Germs are everywhere. Be sure to keep your own hand sanitizer in your bags so you can get to eating after waiting in that long line to get your food


Blister Bomb

Walking for miles a day you might develop a few blisters so having some blister bomb can help with that and some Band-Aids.


Deodorant Wipes

Ugh! We never want to be the stinky person in lines so having some deodorant wipes helps us feel refreshed and smelling good.


Selfie Stick

Most amusement parks might not allow a selfie stick, but some still do. I like to bring a small tripod, or a self-sticky attachment to stick to walls or windows.


Eye Drops

Allergies can get the best of us and when your eyes hurt, it can make for an unenjoyable time. So don’t forget to pack eye drops.


Luggage Locks

Another way to have a peace of mind if having a small luggage lock on your backpack or diaper bag. These are small and don’t require a key.


Bug Spray

Bugs are so annoying so here are a few ways to keep them away.



I hope this list helps you with planning your next Dollywood or any amusement park trip. Enjoy your time and have fun exploring!


Smoky Mountain Moms

Stephanie and Sarah