60 Screen Free Ideas

Written by: Sarah Robinette

Are you looking for some SCREEN FREE Ideas to do with your kids

or maybe you need some ideas for yourself to do other than watching TV, scrolling social media or playing games.


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We all know it is ok to do that but when it becomes to much or all we are doing that is when we need to make a change and find something else to do.

This blog post is PART 2 so if you are looking for 50 MORE SCREEN FREE IDEAS, be sure to click on our other blog post that has even more screen free ideas!

Ok! Let’s get the ideas starting…




Grow a garden

Kids love the dirt and food so why not let them help you build a garden. You could have a pretty flower garden or a yummy food garden. Have the kids help pick out the seeds and learn about it together.




Play Croquet

I personally grew up playing croquet. We played it out in our yard a lot growing up and it really is a simple game. It is similar to putt putt, but the balls are heavier and instead of hitting the ball into a hole, you try to hit in through the hoop that is in the ground.




Wash the Car Together

If it is a nice day, get out the water buckets, soap and let the kids get in their bathing suits and have some fun while you get your car washed.




Clean and organize your room

Pick a room in the house and go through the drawers, closets, and clothes in the room. Get rid of old toys and sell some things you have been meaning to.




Paint your room

If you have been looking for something new and fresh to do, changing out the color of your room can make it feel like a new room, paint your room or add some fun wall paper.




Have a scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunts are fun for all ages. You can make up an at home scavenger hunt, mall hunts or playground scavenger hunts. Jump on Etsy and see what you can find.




Play With Water Guns

If it is a nice hot day, grab some water guns and have a squirt gun fight. See who can get the other person really wet.




Play Nerf War

Grab some Nerf Guns and hide around the house to see who can hit others with their nerf guns. Playing this with your kids will be so much fun.




Play Freeze Tag

As a kid, I loved to play freeze tag and I loved teaching my kids this game. Get a few kids together and make someone “IT” we then run from that person and try not to let them touch us, but if they do tag us we are “Frozen” until someone else tags us who isn’t “It” and they yell “UN FREEZE” The person who is “IT” has 3 mins to tag as many people as he can before the timer runs out or the other players win.




Build A Fort

My kids love to build play houses and things out of chairs, blankets and pillows so just encourage them to have fun and see what they can come up with. You can put some glow in the dark items in there or little lights so make it even more magical.




Have A Fashion Show

Let your kids put on their costumes, fancy clothes or maybe some clothes of mom and dad’s to model. My kids went over to Nana’s house and she put the kids in clothes of mine I had when I was little. They loved feeling so fancy.




Build Legos

Get all the legos out and see if you can build something hard or just keep adding to what you have.




Play with Magnet Blocks

My kids love magnet blocks. They build some really cool things with them and really enjoy them. We like to look at some pictures of things to see if we can recreate it our own way.




Play with Floof

You may have never heard of Floof but I think it is so cool and easy to clean. This is a moldable “sand” but not magnetic sand. Floof smells good, doesn’t stick to your hands and when you want to clean it up, just get a wet rag and it will disappear. If the kids use sand toys to play with it, I just rinse it all off in the sink and it’s that easy.




Read A Book

Go to the Library and grab a new book or catch up on a book you haven’t had the chance to read in awhile.




Have A Dance Party

No matter the season, you can find some great music to play. If it is around Halloween play some kid friendly Halloween music or Christmas music. We love to have our favorite songs from our favorite movies and shows.




Make Up A Dance

The kids love to make up dance moves so they can make up some motions to a song or I will make up some motions and we just keep adding to it.




Have A Special Handshake

One day when we were waiting on a ride at an amusment park, my daughter made up fun handshakes that we have used for years and it is so cute and fun.




Do A Puzzle

This is more for older kids but working on a puzzle builds lots of skills and brain power. Work on it while listening to a podcast, an audio book or some music.




Do A Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzles are something kids don’t do like they use to and they are a lot of fun. You can find crossword puzzles in lots of books or you can make your own and have your kids help. First pick a theme, then pick your words, arrange them to go together and pick a way to describe them.




Make A Mad Libs Story

Kids love to come up with silly stories and this is a fun way for them to do that and learn about verbs, nouns and adjectives. You can find lots of these books online here or you can make up your own story and have the kids to help.




Make Popsicles

You can make your own delicious popsicles from home and have the kids to help you. Buy your favorite fruit then chop it up into small pieces, add in salt, lemon juice and honey. blend it together then freeze It in the molds. Here is the link to the recipe I found and have tried.




Make Shaved Ice

We love to go out and get Shaved Ice but some days we want to stay home or I want to stay home. So we bought this shaved Ice maker and syrups to make our own shaved ice from home!

Have A Fondu Dinner

My husband and I love to go out for a romantic fondu restaurant such as the Melting Pot but why not bring it home and let the kids enjoy it as well. Get a Fondu Maker and melt cheese in it for some yummy appetizers, by dipping bread in it or chips. We love to also use it to dip chocolate in. Get some fresh fruit and let the kids dip fruit, marshmallows, or cake. pretty much anything is yummy with chocolate.




Paper Airplane Contest

Grab some paper and probably watch some YouTube videos and make a paper airplane. See who can get their to fly the furthest!!




Play Would You Rather Game.

This is a fun game you can play. You can buy the actual Would You Rather Game online to have some fun with lots of different questions or you can make up your own questions. The game is supposed to be super silly and random but some a really good questions. We laugh and have a great time with this game.




Play Charades

Bring back this fun classic game with your kids and see how well the perform and act out different skits and characters without using their words to describe it, just by motion and acting it out.





We all need and want to exercise so why not have the kids go on a walk with you, bike in a fun area, or get out some videos and learn new stretches and exercises together.




Give Each Other Make Overs

Let your kids put makeup on you and then you put makeup on them to make them look all fancy, fix their hair and paint their finger nails and put on some clothes that make them feel so cute and special.




Take Silly Photos

This can go with the make over idea but take some silly photos of each other. You can also do this while shopping. As a teen I loved to grab some dresses and clothes I would never wear and go to the dressing room to try it on and take photos in it. I miss those days but doing this with your kids will make special memories you get to see and relive with them.




Go on a Walk

Walk around the neighborhood, a walking trail or walk in a new place. Explore nature and just take your time looking at the scenery and the sounds.




Make a Playlist Of Your Favorite Music

We have around 40 songs we love to listen to as a family and once we made it into a playlist we had so much fun knowing all the songs were our favorite. Having the kids help make it will let them know you value their opinion and they love being apart of the process.




Make Slime

Making your own slime is something I normally wouldn’t want to do but going outside on a nice day and having a place we can make the mess would be ideal but this slime recipe is simple and doesn’t cause a huge mess. Click HERE for the slime recipe.




Play House

Have the kids play house and they are the parents and they have to take care of all the chores. I love to watch my kids play pretend and take care of their baby dolls.




Create an Obstacle Course

Surprise the kids by setting up a fun obstacle course either in the house or in the back yard. It can be simple things such as jumping from different things, going around a chair, crawl under something or make it more difficult and longer each time by adding to it. Time them to see who goes through it the fastest or see if they can beat their time each time they do it.




Have a Tea Party

Serve lunch via tea party style. Wear fun hats, fancy clothes and break out the fun dishes (real or pretend) You can do this outside on a blanket or at the dinning room table to be more elegant.




Do a Puppet Show

You don’t actually have to have puppets to have a puppet show. You can use any stuffed animals and old blankets to hide the person controlling the animal. To make it more interesting write out the story or talk about what you want to teach your audience and then go from there. Kids love to be the teacher so have them teach something to the audience.




Have an Outdoor Mud Kitchen

I think any kid loves to get dirty and make messes. Find an old kitchen toy, pots and pans, spoons and put it near the mud area and let them just be kids and play.




Play the Floor Is Lava Game

We love this YouTube Video. It is a song and they dance and have fun but will randomly say “The Floor Is Lava” and they have 3 seconds to get off the floor to safety.




Learn About Your Family Tree

This is so important for kids to learn so take the time and explain who your family is on both sides of the family. If you don’t know something about your family give your parents, aunts and cousins or grandparents a call and have them help you make it and see how far back you can go. You could also go online to research your family history




Make a Bird Feeder

This fun project is easy to do. Just grab a pinecone and some peanut butter and birdseed and then hang it up in a nearby tree.




Have a fun photo shoot

Get dressed up in costumes, pretty clothes and go somewhere fun to take some pictures!




Photograph Nature

Give the kids a kid friendly camera, an old phone or a nice camera if they are older and tell them to photograph all the things that they see to be beautiful around them. You can do this on a walk, a park or in your back yard.




Make a Photo Scavenger Hunt

This can go along with the photograph nature idea but this time you have a list of ideas of things they can take photo of. If they don’t know how to read yet, you can have pictures of the names then they can go and find it to take a photo of. You can do this idea with other things other than nature but like different things in the house, or if you have older kids you can do it at a mall or at a fun location.




Press Flowers

If your children love to collect flowers you can show them how they can press them in a book for a fun art project. maybe make a bookmarker out of it.




Have a slip and slide

Get out the slip and and slide and let the kids have fun in the sun.




Go Rollerskating

if you own roller skates, let the kids skate in the driveway or around the neighborhood or go to a fun skating rink and practice.




Ride a Skateboard

This is a fun sport to learn and practice to get better at. Go to a skate board park to get some inspiration.




Do Household Chores

We all need to catch up on house hold chores so if you are looking for something to do, we got to put this on the list HAHA!




Go Geo Catching

If you and your kids like treasure hunts then this is super fun to do. You do have to leave the house to do this but Geo Catching is super fun to do. You can do this in new towns, on vacation or around your area. It is also a lot of fun to create your own for other people to look for so. Geo Catching is playing hide and seek with other by hiding containers using a geo coordinates. You would need to download the app and then you will see where all the geo catches are hidden then you click on the one you want to go find and then they sometimes have hints on where to look.



Learn To Make Balloon Animals

Kids can learn so much by watching tutorials. So if your kids are wanting to learn a fun new skill see if they would want to learn how to make balloon animals, they could get really good at it and make some money for a fun side gig.




Make Cards for Friends

If it close to a holiday season, have the kids make Valentines, Halloween, Birthday or Christmas Cards or just draw your friends a picture.




Have a Taste Test Challenge

I love seeing these games played on Reels and on videos but all you do is have your kids close their eyes and see if they can guess what they are tasting. You can do this in so many different ways such as get a hamburger from different restaurants and see if they can guess where it is from by being blind folded or try different cereals to taste the difference.




Make Your Home a Restaurant

Have the kids create the menu, help make the food, take the orders and serve it or you the parents can treat the kids as if they are at a restaurant by seating them, taking their order and being the waiter.




Sing Karaoke

Do you have a favorite song and want to sing it? Singing Karaoke will help you learn the lyrics better and practice singing. Be sure to add dance moves!




Make Fudge

This 3 ingredient recipe is super easy to make basic fudge chocolate with your family.




Listen to Tonie Boxes or Audio Books

You can get a Tonie Box and have some fun stories read to you or find some audio books on YouTube.




Play Dominos

This game is another classic game kids and adults can play.




Use Stamps for Spelling Words

If you have some stamps, use them to make some art projects, cards or if you have the alphabet then spell out some words to make it educational.


Looking for more screen free ideas?

We have another blog post with 50 SCREEN FREE IDEAS so if you are needing more ideas, be sure to check it out!

I hope this list helped you. I have so many other blog posts here I hope you will look around the site and follow on social media.


Smoky Mountain Moms

Stephanie and Sarah