
Back to School Photo Ideas

Back to School Photo Ideas

It is back to school!! It is a bitter sweet day. We are all so excited. For most of us, I know we hurry to get their first day back to school photo the day of and hurry to snap a photo and let’s get going. Now, if you are anything like me and love photos, professional...

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The Best Worship Playlist for Stressed Moms

The Best Worship Playlist for Stressed Moms

Hello Friends! I love listening to music and have always challenged myself to listen to Christian music only. It's hard when my thug life or country life comes out, but I am far from perfect & praising Jesus because nobody is perfect no matter how hard we try to...

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Christian Bucket List Ideas

Christian Bucket List Ideas

Hello friends! My name is Sarah and I have been a christian for most of my life. I am not perfect at all and struggle every day! I have made lots of bucket lists but was inspired to make this list. I have started hearing some of my friends talk about some of the...

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18 Classic Movies From the 90s Rated G

18 Classic Movies From the 90s Rated G

Looking for some fun movies to do with your kids? Our kids are usually stuck on the same shows and movies, but these movies from the 90s are perfect for any age to enjoy! Start in the 1990s then work your way to 1999. Not only will this be fun for the kids but also...

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At Home Screen Free Ideas

At Home Screen Free Ideas

Kids absolutely love watching TV, playing games either on their phone or on the TV. It is definitely ok sometimes, but it is also important that they use their minds and have some imaginary play too! Kids now a days want to be entertained so it's up to us to figure...

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Smoky Mountain Moms

Stephanie and Sarah